Need help with MPAA threats
Alessandro Donnini
alexdonnini at
Sat Dec 13 18:08:30 UTC 2008
Hash: SHA1
Have you thought about contacting
Nicky van Etten wrote:
> The MPAA still has to prove you realy have the content which they claim
> you downloaded stored on your computer or any other storage device afaik.
> On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 4:34 PM, Matthew McCabe <mateo07 at
> <mailto:mateo07 at>> wrote:
> Hello-
> Time Warner shut off my connection again last night due to a
> complaint from the MPAA. They claim that I downloaded 2 movies and
> 1 TV show. This traffic, in fact, must have come through my Tor
> exit node.
> I explained to the customer service agent that I am running a Tor
> exit node and that the traffic must have come through the Tor
> network. He said that because this is the 3rd complaint, the MPAA
> may take me to court and sue me for $100,000 per violation. He also
> claimed that "others in similar situations" have lost in
> court...whatever that means.
> Here is where I need your help. First, is there a good way to
> filter out torrents in my exit policy?
> Second, have any exit node operators in the US had similar
> complaints from the MPAA? If so, how did you handle the complaints?
> Lastly, has anyone in the US gone to court as a result of using Tor?
> If so, do you have a reference for a good lawyer? At this point, I
> want to continue running a Tor exit node but also want to
> investigate my legal options if the MPAA takes me to court.
> Thank you for your help!
> -Matt
> --
> Ciphered/Signed email preferred!
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