exit node "tortila" adds material to www.barnesandnoble.com home page

Scott Bennett bennett at cs.niu.edu
Sat Aug 9 06:28:20 UTC 2008

     On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 09:09:28 -0400 Teddy Smith <teddks at gmail.com>
>On Fri, 2008-08-08 at 04:34 -0500, Scott Bennett wrote:
>> On Thu, 7 Aug 2008 15:26:37 +0200 Steffen Schoenwiese
>> <or-talk at sschoenwiese.de> wrote:
>> >On Thursday 07 August 2008 12:19:22 Scott Bennett wrote:
>> >> [...]
>> >> >The point is, this is written in way that hardly anyone, even native
>> >> > germans, would bother to read it, so I'm not 100% convinced someone =
>> >> > deliberately set this up for a broad audience to take notice of this
>> >> > content in that way.
>> >
>> >Hasn't there been a thread lately about tor mixing up pages or something=
> like=20
>> >that? Maybe that's the case here too. Can you reproduce your findings?=20
>> >
>>      I thought about that, but unfortunately no, because I don't have a t=
>> controller, so I have no way to choose the path.  I suppose maybe I could
>> force all connections to go through that node by using "StrictExitNodes 1=
>> and "ExitNodes tortila", though, so maybe I'll give that a shot at some p=
>> However, it may not tell me anything by now because the culprit, having r=
>> my complaint on OR-TALK, may have stopped doing it until the heat blows o=
>> If you have a method that's easier to use and not so ham-handed as puttin=
>> stuff into torrc, perhaps you could try it and report your results back h=
>>      Thanks much!
>You can always force a connection through a particular exit by going to
>host.node.exit, IIRC.
     First off, thanks again for the reminder.
     I tried www.barnesandnoble.com.tortila.exit.  I still got a green
background block ahead of the real home page, but this time instead of German
text, the green block included something I can't decipher that is mostly in
some character set I don't recognize.  I've tried to copy and paste it into
this message, but each time I try to paste it, it kills the editor and breaks
my SSH connection.  But tortila did corrupt the page again.
     Whether the inserted stuff is due to a bug or is intentionally added makes
little difference.  tortila meets the description of a Bad Exit until such
time as it stops corrupting the data being passed inward or outward through
its exit service.

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at cs.niu.edu                              *
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