Re: Tor at heart of embassy passwords leak; "ToR isn’t the problem, just use it for what it’s made for."

Michael_google gmail_Gersten keybounce at
Mon Sep 10 16:15:42 UTC 2007

So let me see if I understand this correctly.

First, anything sent through Tor can be sniffed by the exit node,
exactly like anything sent without Tor can be sniffed by your ISP.

Second, an ISP can be ordered to turn over all information about your
communication (100% leak), and for all we know, 100% of the content as
well (revealing 100% of all private matters). In comparison, Tor only
catches some of the information about your communication, and some of
your private matters.

Thirdly, the people involved either did not use http*S*: to talk
securely, or they used a device that handled invalid certificates
wrong, and did not even notice.

Does that sum it up correctly?

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