Like to run TOR-Node

Jens Kubieziel maillist at
Fri Sep 14 20:07:58 UTC 2007

* Eugen Leitl schrieb am 2007-09-14 um 21:20 Uhr:
> Assuming a 10 MByte/s throughput, you'll burn some 27 TBytes/month,
> which would run down to about 2.7 kEUR/month burn rate. Even if

IMHO Hetzner would pay less than 300 Euro per month for this amount of
traffic (or better for the throughput). So the loss isn't as high as you
may think.

Besten Gruß

Jens Kubieziel                         
FdI#421: Disclaimer
Eine kurze humoristische Einlage im harten Arbeitsleben.
(Michael 'Mithi' Cordes)
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