problems setting up a relay node on win XP
Ringo Kamens
2600denver at
Sat Feb 10 19:38:30 UTC 2007
You'll need to tell zone-alarm to allow tor to listen on those ports
and allow incoming connections/dns resolution. Also, your hardware
firewall will have to have your server port unblocked.
Ringo Kamens
On 2/10/07, Stephen <stephen at> wrote:
> Greetings!
> I've used tor as a client for a long time & now I'd like to give something
> back to the network by running a relay server. I've been following the
> advice on the tor wiki, specifically "Complete Tor walkthrough for Windows
> users by Steve Topletz"
> ( but I'm having
> some problems! I will attempt to provide an overview of what I have done so
> far. However, let me be clear, I am NOT in any way a highly advanced
> computer user & whilst I don't consider this task to be 'beyond me' my lack
> of technical savvy is almost definitely working against me here (infact this
> is a learning experience for me), so please bear with me as I attempt to
> explain my problems.
> -postponed opening any ports (explaination below)
> 1) opened an account with dyndns to create a static ip address/host name
> 2) configured my hardware firewall (BT Home Hub) with the dyndns account
> details
> 3) configured tor as a relay server on windows xp using the vidalia server
> settings console: (I've chosen to disable the "Mirror the server directory -
> Directory Port 9030" option because vidalia's help section says this uses
> more bandwidth & I don't have a lot to play with) & I'm not running tor in
> the background as a windows service. I've just configured all of the typical
> settings for a relay node.
> re-started vidalia & tor:
> the vidalia message log presented me with my tor server indentity key
> fingerprint & informed me:
> "Now checking whether ORPort XX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9001 is reachable..."
> then:
> "Your server ( XX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9001) has not managed to confirm that its
> ORPort is reachable. Please check your firewalls, ports, address, etc/hosts
> file, etc
> With regard to port forwarding/opening ports - whilst I've been running tor
> as a client I've had no problems just allowing it via zone alarm & my
> hardware firewall (BT Home Hub) hasn't required me to give tor any special
> permission, tor has just worked. In the set-up that I've described here,
> Zone Alarm informed me that Tor was attempting to act as a server & I gave
> it permission to do this. I haven't received any warning messages apart from
> the one I've detailed already.
> Questions:
> 1) Now that I want to run Tor as a server, do I need to make any changes to
> zone alarm and my hardware firewall (BT Home Hub) to allow specific ports?
> In the article I mentioned at the beginning of this mail, the author refers
> to opening ports 443 & 80.
> The BT Home Hub allows me to configure applications stating, "Each incoming
> port range can be translated into a different internal (local network) port
> range. Port ranges can be statically assigned to devices or dynamically
> assigned using an outgoing trigger."
> The options I have for configuring applications on the BT Hub are:
> protocol (tcp/udp)
> port range
> translate to internal (local network) port range
> trigger protocol (tcp/udp)
> trigger port
> I'm uncertain of how I should make any configuration on the BT Hub but would
> appreciate any advice - I've chosen to ask this question here, rather than
> at a BT forum in case there is something I need to know that's specific to
> tor.
> 2) I've used the vidalia console to configure tor as a server. Do I need to
> make any other changes to the Torrc file (i.e those detailed on the wiki -
> "Complete Tor walkthrough for Windows users") or is the configuration I've
> made with the vidalia console sufficient? The settings I've made on the
> vidalia server settings console remain commented-out on the Torrc file.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated & I aplogise again if my lack of
> knowledge seems retarded!
> Regards,
> Stephen
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