Tor and Privoxy on Mac OS X 10.4.11
Fox Mulder
nil.bitbucket at
Mon Dec 10 04:58:45 UTC 2007
No, I just want the Tor package for "experts" to actually start
itself and Privoxy at startup and work. I had this installed before
and it worked fine under 10.4.10, but since updating to 10.4.11, it
doesn't work anymore. Even if I uninstall it and reinstall a fresh
package, it still doesn't work, so I was forced to install the non-
experts package with Vidalia, which I never wanted to use.
We need to figure out the problem with the startup scripts and why
they don't work, even though they did startup automatically. I know
this because I tried to startup manually and the OS said another
instance was already running.
On Dec 9, 2007, at 7:31 PM [ December 9 2007 ], phobos at
> On Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 08:35:01AM -0600, nil.bitbucket at
> wrote 1.5K bytes in 39 lines about:
> It sounds like what you really want is to install the OSX tor package
> for experts and then install vidalia afterwards. One difference
> between
> the Tor package for experts and the vidalia bundle is how Tor and
> Privoxy are handled at the system level. The tor package for experts
> assumes you want Tor and Privoxy to start at system boot and be
> available for all users. The Vidalia package assumes you want to
> start
> Tor via Vidalia. The latter leaves privoxy to start with the system.
> Someday, we'll have Vidalia controlling privoxy or polipo and Tor from
> the gui.
> --
> Andrew
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