BSD/etc Tor servers? (was Re: Tor takes too much RAM)

Scott Bennett bennett at
Sat Dec 1 05:35:23 UTC 2007

     On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 17:13:33 -0500 Roger Dingledine <arma at> wrote:
>On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 12:47:39AM -0500, Roger Dingledine wrote:
>> > Yes, my directory authorities are using way too much ram too. It appears
>> > that we introduced something bad in 0.1.2.x that wasn't present in
>> > 0.1.1.x.
>It occurs to me that all of the ram bloating reports have come from
>Linux users.
>Now, that may be because most fast Tor relays are on Linux.
>If you run a fast Tor relay on something other than Linux, and you've
>been around since the Tor 0.1.1.x days or before, please let us know if
>it's using much more memory than it used to.
     I've been running my tor server on FreeBSD, currently 6.3-PRERELEASE.
For a long time, I had never seen it use more than 60K - 70K.  At present,
I'm running, and right now top(1) shows tor taking 92488 KB
total, with a resident set of 91876 KB (which may be rather larger than the
actual working set, given that there is 582 MB free in the system.  So it's
a bit bigger than it used to be, but I've never seen the huge amounts that
some people have reported on the list.  It seems to average about 80KB/s to
90KB/s with bursts up to maybe 190 KB/s.
     However, I would be interested in knowing why I see this:

-rw-------  1 _tor  _tor    365907 Nov 30 23:10 cached-consensus
-rw-------  1 _tor  _tor  39096827 Nov 30 23:11 cached-descriptors
-rw-------  1 _tor  _tor    174297 Nov 30 23:17

The cached-descriptors file contains *six* differing descriptors for my tor
server, five of which are obsolete.  What gives?  Are the obsolete descriptors
taking up memory in the tor address space?  Seems to me that 1300 - 1700 tor
server descriptors should not require over 37 MB, but if they appear multiple
times, I suppose that would account for the waste.

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at                              *
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