Has anyone had the identity revealed in Tor?

Drake Wilson drake at begriffli.ch
Mon Aug 27 20:56:03 UTC 2007

On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 01:37:55PM -0700, Rouslan Nabioullin wrote:
> Just curious, up to date has anyone been caught while using Tor?

That's a very vague question.

Suppose I'm using Tor to hide my current IP address, since I don't want
people to know that I'm actually posting something from a secret hideout
in Paraguay.  I still post my full name and telephone number, so
everyone knows that I made the post, and they can find out where I usually
live by using reverse lookup on the number, but my rivals at Foocorp never
manage to associate me with the hideout.  Have I been "caught"?

You can attach arbitrarily complicated semantics to the idea of
"identity" and what it means to have been "revealed" in this context,
so you'll need to be much clearer than that to get any reasonable answer
out.  Even then, I doubt the data are easy to get reliably, unless perhaps
there's been a case of someone being tracked down while using Tor that was
reported in major broadcast media.  If the NSA were keeping tabs on Tor
users somehow, it'd be very hard to find out.

   ---> Drake Wilson

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