My ISP block Tor Servers
Eugene Y. Vasserman
eyv at
Tue Apr 17 00:34:06 UTC 2007
Hash: RIPEMD160
(This is way off-topic)
Net neutrality is a legal gray area. While it would piss me off too to
have my ISP block services, I don't think there's a law preventing it.
Unless the contract specified they would NOT block sites, they are not
violating contract. This, of course, depends on the exact contract
wording, but this is my intuition.
What the FCC established (for AT&T) was terms for a merger, not law. It
is my understanding that the FCC could establish such a rule for all
ISPs if it chose, but it is currently choosing not to. This may itself
be a legal gray area.
So, while blocking Tor is annoying, I don't think there's anything
illegal about it. Tor is a service, not a website, so it does not even
count as censorship.
Either way, I should shut up, since this is off-topic.
Thus spake Ringo Kamens:
> Chances are they didn't establish in the contract they could block
> sites. Also, it does piss me off and I think I could start a letter
> writing campaign and pressure them for violating net neutrality. Even
> though I don't think net neutrality is solidified in law, many rulings
> from the FCC and SEC require it. (For instance the ATT merger stated
> they had to uphold net neutrality)
> Comrade Ringo Kamens
> On 4/16/07, Eugene Y. Vasserman <eyv at> wrote:
> Why exactly would blocking Tor be illegal (and in which country)?
> Thus spake Ringo Kamens:
>> Which ISP is it? This certainly seems illegal. I've also experienced
>> similar issues on school networks.
>> Comrade Ringo Kamens
>> On 4/16/07, Dr. Death <drdeath at> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My ISP Blocked most of tor servers that provide the "cached-routers".
>>> any Idea how to bypass this issue !
>>> I use a vpn connection to connect to another ISP and wait until tor
>>> get the
>>> circuit complete.
>>> i save the cached-routers file and rename it, when tor empty the
> original
>>> file i replace it with the one i have and it work again.
>>> ======================
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Eugene Y. Vasserman
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