Something Strange Happens to google when Tor is enabled

Kelly Byrd kbyrd-tor at
Mon Sep 4 13:19:03 UTC 2006

> I went directly to but the same problem came up. On the
> Gernan google homepage there is a link to google in english. When I put
> my mouse over it, the url I will be going to is which
> redirects me back to I typed in and it did the
> same thing. Now can you or anybody please help me make a search plugin
> that includes I tried to make one, and will try again, so
> that I can get google to be in english. Thanks Andrea for your insight on
> how the google search plugin works,

You should know, lots of sites do this trick, called geolocation. They
try and determine where you are in the world from your IP and display
different content accordingly. I know of at least Amazon and Google. It's
not the search plugin's doing, it's the fact that connection to really redirects you to an IP that's localized based on

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