China's Google Blockage

user165 at user165 at
Thu Jun 8 04:45:14 UTC 2006

Sorry, I just noticed I sent this without saying why:

What caught my eye was this part:
> On Tuesday, Google co-founder Sergey Brin defended his company's  
> decision to launch the censored service, a move which  
> drew heavy criticism.
> "We felt that perhaps we could compromise our principles but  
> provide ultimately more information for the Chinese and be a more  
> effective service," he said.
> "Perhaps now the principled approach makes more sense."

Looks like maybe Google is reconsidering its partnership with the .cn  

And then secondarily :
> Chinese authorities have also stepped up measures against software  
> designed to bypass internet censorship, the Reporters Without  
> Borders statement said.

I'm not sure what "stepped up" means, though...

User 165
user165 at

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