setting up port forwarding for tor server

phobos at phobos at
Fri Jun 30 05:02:54 UTC 2006

On Thu, Jun 29, 2006 at 01:43:53PM -0700, nabioullinr at wrote 1.2K bytes in 20 lines about:
: I am going to run a tor server (middle position-not exit) and I need to know which ports exactly I need to open for inbound\outbound on the router.

By default, orport is 9001 and dirport is 9030.  You can advertise
orport on 443 and dirport on 80 if you'd like.  The default settings of
9001/9030 mean you'll need to open up tcp/9001 and tcp/9030 through your
firewall/nat and point it at your tor middleman node.


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