Any Windows SMTP servers that can work with Socks/TOR?
4non ym0us
nospam.anonymous at
Sun Jun 18 06:38:11 UTC 2006
On 6/17/06, glymr <glymr_darkmoon at> wrote:
> Hash: RIPEMD160
> i really don't understand how you are getting traffic on port 25 to
> transport via tor, it's disallowed by default. if you are talking about
> using a webmail service to send your mail via the webmail plugin via tor
> then that has nothing to do with it of course.
Not using the webmail plugin. The plugin appears only to work with
free public webmail like yahoo and hotmail. So it wouldn't had worked
with the webmail access most of us will typically have when using our
own domain names.
I am running TOR as a test server (can't run a permananent once with
dynamic IP) and not just as a client so did adjust some of the
settings, so that would probably explain why port 25 works.
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