Running a Tor exit node on an academic network?

Dan Treiman dtreiman at
Fri Feb 3 03:07:30 UTC 2006

First off, congratulations on getting approval.
I'll take you up on that offer; if you wouldn't mind sending me a  
copy of the proposal.  I've been running a tor server on my campus  
network for a semester (without permission) and I've been lucky that  
the IT folks haven't noticed yet :-).  But it would be a much better  
solution to just go legit - its about time I started looking into that.

	-Dan Treiman

On Feb 2, 2006, at 7:33 PM, Joseph Lorenzo Hall wrote:

> I wanted to thank everyone on or-talk who provided comments to me on
> my proposal to get a Tor  server running at UC Berkeley.  My request
> was conditionally approved* by the Campus Information Security
> Committee today.  If anyone else is interested in seeing the text of
> my proposal, let me know and I'll send it to you off-list. -Joe
> * I have to run it by risk management, run an additional software
> firewall and a few other things...

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