Wikipedia & Tor

Marc Abel m-abel at
Wed Sep 28 02:21:01 UTC 2005

Hi David,

As I understand my proposal, the only requirement of a "reviewer" is
that she is not coming in via a Tor exit node.  The intended benefit is
that the Wikipedia folks hope the reviewer is less likely to permit
damage, as her IP is more likely to be known.

Under this scheme, you could submit edits via Tor, nominate yourself as
a reviewer (which might do nothing except send you an email, as perhaps
anyone who shows up could do this "review"), then you arrive through a
regular connection from a (presumably) known IP and ok your article.

I don't think self-review would be popular, or a problem.  If you're a
Wiki-vandal, you still have to come out from behind the Tor cloud.

If you're a dissident, you would have to step out too.

In the dissident's case, presumably you have a friend who your
authorities can't touch to review for you.  For example if you're in
Beijing, name a supporter in San Francisco to ok your edits.


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