ATTN: for-profit Tor operators

Glymr Darkmoon glymr_darkmoon at
Wed Nov 23 23:22:28 UTC 2005

i should also point out that altering the tor software to ALWAYS be set
up as a relay node would solve the problem of provision of the network.
An exception should be possible for those on dialup connections, since
their available bandwidth is miniscule. perhaps the easy way to do this
is if you disable the relay function of tor it cuts the bandwidth down
to dialup speed. this would then mean that true dialup users would not
be inconvenienced by this, but those wishing to free ride on the tor
network would be, and those who can free ride can help.

since most users are lazy, making it relay by default would dramatically
increase the size of the network.
  Glymr Darkmoon
  glymr_darkmoon at

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