IRCNet abuse

tor tor at
Wed Jun 8 20:13:09 UTC 2005

Gee.. you really should actually read the text of the ECPA... 
examination of individual emails is perfectly OK
 with the courts as long as it was done on a service monitoring 
basis(i.e. the mails kicked into that bucket could have malware embedded 
, evidence of illegal transactions/blackmail/threats  etc(and working 
formerly as a mail admin for a large ISP all of this was encountered)) 
if you need/want privacy then USE encryption to the final delivery 
point  else EXPECT monitoring..


     as far as Rude or unethical.. I consider it Rude and unethical to 
use a privacy system to harass or intimidate people spread malware, 
control Trojans(very common under IRC) , it has been my experience that 
this often happens, and I DONT care for an innocent being attacked by 
using the hardware/network connection I provide, there are such things 
as civil liability torts you know, if I was negligent in stopping this 
kind of attack appearing to originate from MY network connection, I 
could be sued quite successfully on this basis as I operate from a 
business NOT an EDU where University lawyers will defend the 
Universities property when it is misused by a student.

    A tor operator


Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:

>On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 12:10:35PM -0700, tor wrote:
>:Gee... if it can be exposed by sniffing then it isnt much of a privacy 
>The network doesn't protect people from themselves.  Talking on
>unencrypted IRC and expecting privacy is silly.
>:Tor operators/developers should Always sniff their servers 
>:traffic at least occasionally to see if holes or information is being 
>statistical analysis of traffic patterns is one thing, reading
>people's IRC conversations is another entirely.
>: A tor/patcher who always sniffs his server traffic
>:   a tor user
>:ps not only is it NOT rude it is completely legal in the US at least to 
>:monitor the traffic to/from a given server if you own that server, this 
>:is completely a legal action under ECPA.
>INAL, but I wouldn't want to put that to the test in court.  Can your
>ISP admins read your mail?  I don't think so (employers are
>different), and this is directly analogous.
>I make no determination on the legality on the US or elsewhere, but it
>is most certainly rude and unethical.

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