[tor-scaling] Congestion control review + proposal ideas post

Mike Perry mikeperry at torproject.org
Thu Jan 30 13:57:57 UTC 2020

I just posted a very long summary of congestion control attempts in Tor,
in which I also include a handful of potential new ideas:

That post recaps basically everything we've learned in the past 20 years
of anonymity research on the topic, and then borrows some ideas from TCP
research, to propose new ideas for Tor. I believe several of these ideas
are considerably more secure than drop signaling/QUIC, and some of them
can be deployed by upgrading only Exit nodes.

I tried to make it accessible to both Tor and external dev audiences.

I opted for tor-dev because there are likely more old cypherpunks on
that list who can review it, but I wanted to give a heads up here in
case there are people who are only on this list.

Mike Perry

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