[tor-reports] Help desk report for June 2014

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Tue Jul 1 04:29:37 UTC 2014


Here's the help desk chart for June 2014:

          |   ar |   en |   es |   fa |   fr |   zh | Total | (Rejected)
    jason |      |    2 |      |      |      |   73 |    75 |         2
    lunar |      |  223 |      |      |   18 |      |   241 |        96
     mttp |      |  220 |      |      |      |      |   220 |        14
     noel |      |      |   41 |      |      |      |    41 |
    phoul |      |  248 |      |      |      |      |   248 |        52
  sherief |   13 |  289 |    1 |    3 |      |    2 |   308 |        41
     vmon |      |      |      |   70 |      |      |    70 |         3
    Total |   13 |  983 |   42 |   73 |   18 |   75 |  1204 |       210
   (Open) |    1 |   15 |    3 |   14 |    1 |   25 |    59 |

That's almost 40 tickets resolved each day on average.

See also the attached charts for the amount of incoming tickets each day
and for the past twelve months.

Top answer templates used by the support team for this month:

 usage |                           article
    35 | Get TBB's Tor Log (Step by step guide.)
    33 | Redirect to Guardian Project's support
    32 | Tor Browser doesn't work (Windows)
    27 | Mac can't connect (Sophos)
    23 | Get your own bridges.
    16 | Tor-related error window from browser.
    10 | Suggest the tor-talk mailing list
    10 | Unsupported language
     7 | Cryptolocker report
     4 | Unable to open Tor Browser on OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
     4 | Just connect
     4 | Can't connect to my favorite onion site!
     4 | How to get bridges and  use Tor in mainland China
     3 | I want to volunteer
     3 | Orbot Basics
     3 | Proxy server refusing connections
     2 | Redirect to Tails support
     2 | Set Country
     2 | Why Tor is slow

Lunar                                             <lunar at torproject.org>
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