[tor-reports] Isis, August 2013

isis agora lovecruft isis at torproject.org
Tue Sep 3 10:39:58 UTC 2013

# -*- mode: org ; coding: utf-8 -*-

*** status report 2013/08

After the Tor developer meeting I went to live on an old wooden ketch in
Amsterdam for a week with a lot of wonderful amazing people from tech activist
centres around the world. (Or maybe is was a schooner? I've forgotten the
difference. Two masts, one bowsprit.) Like this:

                                      .(  )`-._                           
                                    .'  ||     `._                        
                                  .'    ||        `.                      
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                             .'        _||_            `-.                
                          .'          |====|              `..             
                        .'             \__/               (  )            
                      ( )               ||          _      ||             
                      /|\               ||       .-` \     ||             
                    .' | '              ||   _.-'    |     ||             
                   /   |\ \             || .'   `.__.'     ||   _.-..     
                 .'   /| `.            _.-'   _.-'       _.-.`-'`._`.`    
                 \  .' |  |        .-.`    `./      _.-`.    `._.-'       
                  |.   |  `.   _.-'   `.   .'     .'  `._.`---`           
                 .'    |   |  :   `._..-'.'        `._..'  ||             
                /      |   \  `-._.'    ||                 ||             
               |     .'|`.  |           ||_.--.-._         ||             
               '    /  |  \ \       __.--'\    `. :        ||             
                \  .'  |   \|   ..-'   \   `._-._.'        ||             
 `.._            |/    |    `.  \  \    `._.-              ||             
     `-.._       /     |      \  `-.'_.--'                 ||             
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               `-.._   |      \        | |        |_|_|_'|_|_|_|_|_|_|    
                   [`--^-..._.'        | |       /....../|  __   __  |    
                    \`---.._|`--.._    | |      /....../ | |__| |__| |    
                     \__  _ `-.._| `-._|_|_ _ _/_ _ _ /  | |__| |__| |    
                      \   _o_   _`-._|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_/   '-----------/    
                       \_`.|.'  _  - .--.--.--.--.--.`--------------'     
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  .`-.```-._ ``-..__``.- `.      _     -  _  _  _ -    _-   _  __/(.``-._ 
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    _.-` ``--..  ..  `.-._  `._  `- `-._ .-_. ._.- -._ --.._`` _.-`-.     


At some point, we sailed to a small island and I played the priestess in a
techno-shamanistic ritual, complete with an alter covered in LEDs, a
motherboard, and some other weird broken-looking electronic shit (picture the
racks at Noisebridge). A Tor-related excerpt of the ritual is given below:


    (after asking the guardians of the other polarities of the ritual circle)

    Guardians of the West, Keepers of the Ground Element, since 1U.E. have you
    watched over the land of Silicon, wrought with RJ45. Oh beings of the
    Ground Element, join us now!

    Guardian of the West! IS THERE CHAOS IN THE WEST?!?!11!

GUARDIAN OF THE WEST: (incidentally a person who is in #tor, not naming names)

                    ,,,,       |                                             |
        ////       ,_ _ \     /| Yes, there is CHAOS in the West. The human  |
        \ ( /     ('O \O()   / | meatbag overloads of the land have devised  |
         ` '       '  -`,   /  | evil plans, conspiring with the other       |
          '\        `__/       | fascist governments, pooling their eyes to  |
           .\      __,(___     | amass a surveillance state, threatening the |
            .\__.-'       `.   | freedoms of all netizens, nay! of all *zens,|
              .____         \  | worldwide!                                  |
                  |     /`   \ |                                             |
                  |    / __`  \| Yes, there is CHAOS in the West. The RJ45   |
                  |   / | o|` ,| cables have become tangled with DPI boxes   |
                  |  /  | -| '/| and prying eyes.                            |
        _________))||( \\__.'/ |                                             |
       (  __\         \ \===/  | Yes, there is CHAOS in the West. There is   |
        ` \  `----.  __\       | CHAOS across the lands because there aren't |
         ` \       `(_. \      | enough...                                   |
           `\          ` \     |                                             |
            ,)           >)    | (pulls hard-drive-sized LED blinky thing    |
           /(          ( /     |  from their pocket...)                      |
          ""o          ,/      |                                             |
                      ,/       | ...Tor exit relays!!                        |
                     (         |_____________________________________________|    
     .    ....           . .       
         ..        ...         ....

ME: Wat. Holy shit. Is that thing *actually* an exit relay? It's tiny. And
    we're on a 2 km^2 island. *I* don't even have internet here.

GUARDIAN OF THE WEST: Yeah, well, it is an exit when it has a good enough
    connection, right now it's attached to my phone so...


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At some point that night, we made sacrificial offerings to the Guardians,
including a Pentium II (the slot kind!) and a giant 256MB harddrive. 

                             /'.    /|    .'\
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The future of the internet looks hopeful once more!


After that, I went to DebConf13, in Vaumarcus, Switzerland, where I met
several wonderful people, and also had a few chances to discuss Tor
(specifically, many people wished to know how to get involved, and also
general info for various pluggable transports).

Then I bunkered down, and read papers and worked...

**** Tickets Worked on in August 2013: 
***** Component: BridgeDB (18 matches)
#5332 Update BridgeDB documentation with deployment instructions
#5463 BridgeDB must GPG-sign outgoing mails
#9013 BridgeDB should pass pluggable transport shared-secrets to clients
#9156 BridgeDB: Users try to add obfsbridges to their normal TBB
#9157 Persian and Arabic should be right aligned on bridges.tpo
#9199 Rethink the logging of BridgeDB
#9244 bridgedb's GeoIP module (v0.2.6, the latest) causes python to segfault
#9264 Problem with transport lines in BridgeDB's bridge pool assignment files
#9277 BridgeDB's handling of config files is non-persistent and uses an old-style class
#9332 Revive the BridgeDB bridge-sending mailing list
#9377 Add more unittests for and logging to descriptor parsers
#9380 BridgeDB should use stem for parsing descriptors according to torspec
#9385 bridgedb's email responder should fuzzy match email addresses within time periods
#9425 Create and document a better BridgeDB (re)deployment strategy
#9443 Generate and secure pgp keys for bridges.tpo
#9462 BridgeDB descriptor parsers need refactoring
#9499 BridgeDB should hand out identity fingerprints
#9601 Cyberoam firewall blocks obfs2/3 bridge addresses
#9615 Copy current BridgeDB deployment scripts into admin/bridgedb-admin repo

***** Component: Service - git (1 match)
#9595 Create maintenance/sysadmin repo for BridgeDB deployments, maintainance, and sysadmin notes

***** Component: Tor (2 matches)
#8978 Write server-side pluggable transport options to extra-info descriptor
#9498 Allow bridge descriptors to contain no address if they are not being published

***** Component: Tor Launcher (1 match)
#9445 Tor Launcher should be more relaxed about bridge line input

***** Component: Tor Sysadmin Team (1 match)
#9520 add sysrqb to the ponticum group

***** Component: Tor bundles/installation (1 match)
#9444 Create deterministic TorBrowserBundles with Pluggable Transports

***** Status:
Latest status: https://gs.torproject.org/person/isis

To see all ([owner|cc|reporter]:isis) tickets from August: 

NOTE: if these were modified *since* August, they will no longer appear in
this Trac query.

**** Useful Papers Read:

I wrote a plugin for Pelican (the Python static site generator that I use) so
that I could start putting recent papers I've read, my notes on them, and
copies of the pdf files on my blog via a BibTex file. It's not quite done yet,
but you can see the code here: 
and the (thus far rather crappy and incomplete) output here:

***** August Reading List

Fuchsbauer, Georg.
  "Automorphic Signatures in Bilinear Groups and an Application to Round-Optimal Blind Signatures."
  IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2009 (2009): 320.

Lange, Tanja.
  "Efficient Arithmetic on Genus 2 Hyperelliptic Curves over Finite Fields via Explicit Formulae."
  IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2002 (2002): 121.

Abe, Masayuki, et al.
  "Structure-preserving signatures and commitments to group elements."
  Advances in Cryptology–CRYPTO 2010. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. 209-236.

Fiat, Amos, and Adi Shamir.
  "How to prove yourself: practical solutions to identification and signature problems."
  Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO’86. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987.

Kohel, David R., and Benjamin A. Smith.
  "Efficiently computable endomorphisms for hyperelliptic curves."
  Algorithmic Number Theory. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. 495-509.

Bröker, Reinier, Kristin Lauter, and Andrew Sutherland.
  "Modular polynomials via isogeny volcanoes."
  Mathematics of Computation 81.278 (2012): 1201-1231.

 ♥Ⓐ isis agora lovecruft
GPG: 4096R/A3ADB67A2CDB8B35
Current Keys: https://blog.patternsinthevoid.net/isis.txt
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