[tor-reports] Moritz in April

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Thu May 2 06:03:02 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA512


In April I worked on various things, and then I

* spent some time further thinking about the conditions for
reimbursing exit operators. See #8505 for some details. I thought
ExitCompass would be ready sooner, so I would be able to do some
testing before further improving the 'algorithm'. Since that is
unlikely now, I will either write my own ExitCompass, or do some "dry

* morphed Torservers.net from something operated by a single
organization into a platform that is meant to be there for and used by
(!) all the new Torservers.net franchise organizations like DFRI,
NosOgnions, Frenn vun der Enn etc.

* started playing with VoIP over Tor: Mumble/Plumble. I could not get
Mumble to work over Tor (all I get is "[Warning] socks5:
command 3 not recognized. Rejecting."), and I was hoping for some
feedback by the Guardian people, but so far I did not get any. Plumble
costs money in the store, so the next step is to make my own build

* Gettor/Bittorrent: started to improve my torrent creator for /dist,
and it's on git now, but there are some items open for discussion. See

* wrote a script that checks /dist for missing or wrong signatures.
#8689. I run it on a mirror now, and opened another ticket about
currently missing and wrong signatures.

* I got us a new VPS with AS250, meant to become another bw auth.

* wrote a bunch of proposals for bridge/exit funding. Please press
your thumbs. :)

* attended the Easterhegg CCC conference and did some hardcore work
together with WHS and Christian.

* tried to do the same level of user support than before on mailing
lists and IRC, but gloriously failed at that due to lack of time.
Sorry :-(

* non-Tor, but very relevant for my work and life and balance: I
managed to get myself an office "nearby", so I don't have to work from
outside our living room any more starting next week. This took some
effort, but the result is probably quite awesome. What I did to save
costs and finally again ACTUALLY MEET PEOPLE and hopefully WORK WITH
PEOPLE PHYSICALLY PRESENT (!): I started a hackerspace in my backyard.
Since most of the co-founders will only be around a few evenings every
week, I can use it the rest of the time for myself.

I was on vacation from April 21-28th.

- -- 
Moritz Bartl


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