[tor-reports] Karsten's June

Karsten Loesing karsten at torproject.org
Thu Jul 4 07:21:49 UTC 2013

Here are the top 5 things I wanted to do in June:

> - Pick up sponsor F year 3 phase 2 coordination, talk to developers,
> make sure we're on track.

Done.  In fact, this kept me busy for most of June.  Reviewed my notes
from March what needs to be done, talked to Roger about five unclear
deliverables, and then talked to developers about next steps.  We don't
have complete plans for all remaining deliverables yet, but that's my
main goal for July.

> - Get feedback from Nick why IPv6-only tor client doesn't work
> (#6027), and get fallback directory list into tor master (#8374).

Not done, blocking on bugs in IPv6 code that Linus and Nick identified
while looking at #6027.  Created an IPv6-only EC2 instance for Nick to
test this more.

> - Tweak my morestats4 branch until Nick likes it enough to merge it
> (#8462).

No progress.

> - Deploy new user-stats number-crunching code on yatei, rather than on
> an EC2 instance.  Keep a close eye on yatei to make sure it still has
> enough I/O left to do its many other tasks.

Made two more attempts to deploy #8462 on yatei.  Turns out yatei simply
cannot handle the additional I/O load.  Instead, spent quite some time
on refactoring Onionoo, which keeps yatei increasingly busy, and added
execution statistics that allow us to identify performance bottlenecks.
 I have a commit in my local repository that reduces I/O load that I
need to test more before deploying on yatei, and I opened #9183 for
another useful optimization.  Also talked to Andrew about getting a new
database server or small bunch of virtual machines for metrics-web,
Onionoo, and future metrics services.

> - Improve my Twisted Torperf implementation so that it reaches feature
> parity with the current Torperf.  Also discuss the JSON data format
> with Mike, so that we can use Torperf to gather more data.

No progress.

The plan for July is to make progress on these tasks:

- Make plans for sponsor F year 3 phase 2 deliverables together with
Roger and developers.  Plans include deliverable interpretations that
developers consider realistic and that Roger considers sufficient.
Also, make internal milestones to track progress on deliverables and to
be able to respond to problems.

- Discuss requirements of a project management system together with Tom,
Nick, and others.

- Build Steven's utp branch and simulate it in Shadow, possibly with
help of Nick and/or Rob.

- Attend the dev meeting in Munich.

- Continue tweaking Onionoo to reduce load on yatei.

I'm still planning to tweet status updates and use TeamStatus to keep
people up-to-date on what I'm working on.  Though I realize I reported
fewer things in June than in May, simply because there's not as much to
report when doing project management as when writing software:



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