[tor-relays] relays and CUPS vulnerabilities

George Hartley hartley_george at proton.me
Sat Sep 28 14:12:32 UTC 2024


I don't see how this is an issue, because Tor guards / middles only ever relay traffic, and exits already have sufficient REJECT rules:

> reject*
> reject*
> reject*
> reject*
> reject*
> reject*

I am just going to assume that CUPS opens these ports on your public interface?!

But your point of containerization is a always a good one, my Tor exit runs in a QEMU/KVM VM on our colocated server, which has nothing else running on it except for openvpn and systemd-resolved (using DNS-over-TLS and DNSSEC).

You should also have IPTables configured accordingly, and it's rules loaded on every boot automatically.

I attached an example bash script on how to configure IPtables, but please go through the entire script and see what it actually does, don't just apply it and lock yourself out of the system.

Note that this is for my system, so you will have to change ports and so on for your system, and remove useless lines.

Thank you,

> There are some very significant recent CVEs out for CUPS, the unix
> printing system.

> https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=cups

> It's an ideal moment to remind relay operators that a Tor node, relay or
> bridge, should be a single-purpose internet server.

> Running alternate internet services is a bad idea. The node should have
> the minimum packages installed for the purpose of running a node. More
> packages means more possible vulnerabilities.

> Needless to say, a CUPS server listening on 631/tcp or 631/udp while
> providing Tor access is a bad idea.

> g

> --
> 43C2 85B0 41B6 4AC1 0E02 2767 7092 AEB3 40B0 C804

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