[tor-relays] Read/written bytes on a relay differ

Richie richie at zuviel.org
Wed Sep 18 16:35:30 UTC 2024

Hi everyone,

nothing of real concern, but out of curiosity: since some years now i
use overhead traffic on my ISP for Tor, with a small home relay burning
some 3 to 4 MB/Sec. Usual middle relay plus V2Dir (and HSdir some days
after last reboot). Since some weeks now, the read/written bytes differ
quite significantly, and i never experieced sth like that for a relevant
timespan before.

Is this a sign of more "reading directory services" on the relay? (maybe
short reqests and verbose replys), some new kind of attack, whatever?

direct metrics-Link via
and screenie attached. Again, no big issue, just curiosity. And if its
some kind of bug, i'd be happy to hand over more info.

thx to everyone maintaining and running this stuff,
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