[tor-relays] We need to talk about the latest DDoS affecting the Tor network

carlos1001 tor-relay-admin at carlos1001.com
Sat May 25 08:20:38 UTC 2024

Hi, yes, I think there is a form of DDoS happening, but I'm not sure. 
For example, sampling one of my relays shows ~150 ips that are not 
relays with over 14 connections currently. I don't think that amount of 
connections from a single IP makes a lot of sense.

I will say, however, I'm not getting overloaded as bad compared to last 
year/late 2022, or I don't think I am at least. Banning IPs that appear 
to be spamming `connect()` helps a bit. Also banning malformed tcp 
segments also helps a bit (think impossible combinations of TCP flags 
for example).

On 5/16/2024 2:39 PM, koizoi via tor-relays wrote:
> For several weeks now, users have been complaining (see 
> https://www.reddit.com/r/TOR/comments/1cnmsdz/tor_extremely_slow_lately/, 
> https://forum.torproject.org/t/is-there-currently-a-major-ddos-affecting-the-networks-availability/12492, 
> etc) about degraded performance (slow speeds, timeouts) when using 
> Tor, both to access v3 onion sites and clearnet websites. In my 
> personal experience, most v3 onion services are responding so slowly 
> that they're completely unusable.
> it turns out that's it not just people's imaginations, looking at 
> charts on metrics.torproject.org, it can be seen that the time to 
> complete a 5MiB request over Tor has increased substantially 
> (https://ibb.co/tp1CHdh). All of this is very reminiscent of the large 
> scale DDoS that affected Tor relay nodes in 2022-2023.
> Tor relay operators have reported "attacks" on their relays, but there 
> haven't been many details about what kind of attacks are taking place, 
> other than some people saying that they have been TCP SYN flooded. But 
> (to me, anyway) SYN flooding doesn't really make a lot of sense as 
> there are so many Tor relay nodes that would need to be attacked, (and 
> misconfigured to allow a SYN flood attack to work), and even if it 
> were a SYN flood, that would cause different behavior than what users 
> have been seeing (preventing connections to the Tor network rather 
> than slowing them down).
> I understand that DDoS attacks on the Tor network might be kind of a 
> touchy subject, but it would be good if we could get some information 
> from the project leadership as to what's going on, what is being done 
> about it, and what Tor relay operators can do to help prevent attacks 
> like these from happening.
> Thanks
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