[tor-relays] Ansible for Tor Network Webtunnel Bridges

Carlos eff_03675549 at posteo.se
Wed May 1 22:16:10 UTC 2024

Hi Jacobo,

Would you please detail the steps of your progress in the code, to this 
outcome, for a mere quick audition?


On 4/29/24 5:26 PM, Jacobo Nájera wrote:
> Hi,
> Share this Ansible role for Webtunnel, with which you can install, 
> configure, and operate Tor network Webtunnel bridges. Currently, it 
> supports installing bridges on Debian, with support for other 
> operating systems coming soon.
> Repository with the Ansible role for Webtunnel
> https://github.com/nvjacobo/webtunnel
> In the Ansible Galaxy repository
> https://galaxy.ansible.com/nvjacobo/webtunnel
> A small guide to use the role
> https://acuare.la/en/ansible-webtunnel-bridges-tor-network/
> Feedback are welcome!
> Thanks, Jacobo
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