[tor-relays] DDOS alerts from my provider

eff_03675549 at posteo.se eff_03675549 at posteo.se
Thu Aug 8 20:20:35 UTC 2024

Hi Rafo,

My apologies for the late reply in your request for the code on banning 
tor exits into *GUARDS or middle-relays*



rm ../../etc/cron.d/updateSSHkey

echo "0 0 * * *  root wget -P /root/scriptsremote/ 
https://check.torproject.org/torbulkexitlist" >  
echo "1 1 * * *  root sed 's/^/-A ufw-before-input -s /; s/$/ -j DROP/' 
/root/scriptsremote/torbulkexitlist"         >> 
echo "2 1 * * *  root sed -i '/# End required lines/r 
/root/scriptsremote/torbulkexitlist' /etc/ufw/before.rules" >> 
echo "3 1 * * *  root rm /root/scriptsremote/torbulkexitlist"         
                     >> ../../etc/cron.d/blacklistTORexits

apt install -y fail2ban

rm ../../etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.conf
touch ../../etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.conf
echo "[sshd]"                                         > 
echo "enabled = true"                                     >> 
echo "port = 11218"                                     >> 
echo "filter = sshd"                                     >> 
echo "logpath = /var/log/auth.log" >> ../../etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.conf
echo "maxretry = 5"                                     >> 
echo "bantime = 24h"                                     >> 
echo "bantime.increment = true" >> ../../etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.conf
echo "bantime.factor = 24"                                >> 
echo "bantime.maxtime = 52w" >> ../../etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.conf

Here I hope this is well received,


On 7/10/24 1:19 AM, god-gave-you-mouth-ears-eyes-so-enjoy at posteo.net wrote:
> Hi Rafo,
> I have a pre-defined fail2ban (jail) script that does all the job of 
> banning any tor-EXIT  -dynamically updated via cron- from attempting 
> access when this helps.
> This is meant for Debian,
> the synthax could do with fedora (perhaps a few code adaptation).
> let me know when this is of interest.
> Carlos.
> On 7/8/24 7:34 PM, Rafo (r4fo.com) via tor-relays wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been running a relay for a few months now without any 
>> problems. But this week I’ve received 2 DDoS alerts from my provider 
>> (Netcup), both are ~3 gigabits. They seem to be coming from other Tor 
>> relays.
>> I’m running an Invidious like instance on my server (which uses 
>> around 600 megabits) but I have a 2.5 gigabit port. So I configured 
>> my Tor relay to use 300-400 megabits.
>> I’m not sure where that 3 gigabit of data comes from.
>> I have lowered my advertised bandwidth to 100 megabits, would that be 
>> enough to prevent these kind of issues?
>> Kind regards,
>> Rafo
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