[tor-relays] Discuss. Why not split donations to Tor relay owners?

tor at nullvoid.me tor at nullvoid.me
Thu Oct 12 17:43:18 UTC 2023

This is not my site, it just reminds me of oniontip and tortip that used to run.

The source code in accessible here: https://git.kyun.host/naphtha/reiya

The viewkey and instructions on how to audit it is here https://reiya.io/audit

While even providing the view key, and having positive transaction history does not prevent an exit scam in the future. Ideally the TPO could find a trusted user/organization to run the official one.

What I'm trying to say is that the "code" for your idea already exists in a primitive form.


On October 12, 2023 4:39:05 PM UTC, boldsuck <lists at for-privacy.net> wrote:
>Am Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2023, 15:04:07 CEST schrieb gus:
>> Nobody audited the code of 'reiya' project and there is currently no
>> concrete evidence to confirm that the funds deposited in that Monero
>> wallet will indeed be redirected to the relays. Therefore, we strongly
>> recommend not using that project.
>> On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 12:48:58PM +0000, tor at nullvoid.me wrote:
>> > <https://reiya.io/> exists. Something like this?
>Unfortunately the site is currently not accessible. If this is the same one 
>that was discussed at a tor-relay-meeting a few months ago, then I can only 
>agree with Gus' opinion.
>A reputable donation site would publish the Monero View key.
>Every Monero address has a private viewkey which can be shared. By sharing a 
>viewkey, a person is allowing access to view every incoming transaction for 
>that address.

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