[tor-relays] TOR installation (walentyczerwinski85)
Patrice Bönig
mailinglist at pboenig.de
Sun May 23 09:17:33 UTC 2021
sure, I wrote a script for this. I always compile Tor to use it as a
relay on a Raspberry Pi.
I have attached the script.
# Script #
## This script is for a automatic installation of tor out of the sources.
## What it will do:
# 1. It downloads the newest tarball, compiles and installs it.
# 2. It copies the data dir (with the keys) and the torrc.
# 3. It removes all installations files.
# 4. It starts tor as the current user
# 5. It adds tor as crontab (@bootup) of current user
# 6. changes the permissions of the tor logs, tor folder and torrc for
the current user
# 6. At the end it shows the logs to check the tor startup process
## What are the requirements for this installation script
# - the torrc must be in the same folder as this script
# - check the paths used in this script if they fit for your system (the
default paths are for Pi OS)
# - this script must be in a location where it has write permisssions
(for example home folder of current user)
## What this script can't do
# Tor is not compiled wioth systemd support, so this won't work until
you switch it on.
#! /bin/bash
# echo output colour #
green="tput setaf 2"
white="tput setaf 7"
yellow="tput setaf 3"
red="tput setaf 1"
echo -e "\n\n####################"
echo -e "# Tor Installation #"
echo -e "####################\n"
# lynx installation
sudo apt install -y lynx
# show tor version for comparison
echo -e "\nTor version on the system ->"
tor --version | cut -b 13-20
echo # new line
echo -e "Tor version online available ->"
lynx -nonumbers -dump https://dist.torproject.org | grep
"https://dist.torproject.org/tor-" | grep -v "alpha" | grep -v "rc" |
grep -v "asc" | tail -1 | cut -b 33-40
# question for installation
echo -e "\n\n"
read -p "Installing new version? [y/n]: " -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
echo -e "\nstopping tor on system...\n"
sudo killall tor
echo -e "\ndone.\n"
echo -e "\nsystem update and installing needed packages...\n"
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y libevent-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev asciidoc
echo -e "\ndone.\n"
mkdir $build_dir
cd $build_dir # in ./temp
echo -e "\ndownloading tor from https://dist.torproject.org ...\n"
lynx -nonumbers -dump https://dist.torproject.org | grep
"https://dist.torproject.org/tor-" | grep -v "alpha" | grep -v "rc" |
grep -v "asc" | tail -1 | xargs wget
tar -xvf tor*.tar.gz
cd `ls -d */` # in ./temp/tor-*
echo -e "\ndone.\n"
echo -e "\nbacking up data dir, and changing its user..."
sudo cp -arv /var/lib/tor ./tor
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ./tor
echo -e "\ndone.\n"
echo -e "\ncompiling, removing old version, installing new
./configure && make && sudo make uninstall && sudo make install
echo -e "\ndone.\n"
echo -e "\ncopying torrc and restoring data directory...\n"
sudo cp -av ../../torrc /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc
sudo chwon $(whoami):root /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc
sudo cp -arv ./tor /var/lib/tor
echo -e "\ndone.\n"
cd .. # in ./temp
cd .. # in ./
echo -e "\nremoving build folder and installation files...\n"
sudo rm -R $build_dir
sudo apt autoclean
sudo apt autoremove
echo -e "\ndone.\n"
echo -e "\nadding tor as crontab to start it on @reboot...\n"
if sudo grep -q "@reboot /usr/local/bin/tor --quiet"
echo -e "tor is already present as crontab"
#echo -e "@reboot /usr/local/bin/tor --quiet" | sudo tee -a
echo -e "tor is added as crontab"
echo -e "\ndone.\n"
echo -e "\nchanging user of log files...\n"
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /var/log/tor
echo -e "\ndone.\n"
echo -e "\nstarting tor...\n"
# start tor
/usr/local/bin/tor --quiet
echo # new line
echo -e "\ntor log\n"
sudo tail -c+1 -f /var/log/tor/notices.log
exit 1
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