[tor-relays] ContactInfo Spec Version 2 is released
fantom at fedoraproject.org
Tue Oct 20 02:33:05 UTC 2020
Great job!
nusenu a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm happy to announce version 2 of the ContactInfo Information Sharing Specification.
> https://nusenu.github.io/ContactInfo-Information-Sharing-Specification/
> It comes with an easy to use ContactInfo generator, which is maintained by Eran Sandler:
> https://torcontactinfogenerator.netlify.app/
> Example ContactInfo string as defined by this specification:
> email:tor[]example.com url:https://example.com proof:uri-rsa uplinkbw:100 ciissversion:2
> In words this ContactInfo string means:
> - the technical contact for this relay can be reached at tor at example.com
> - the entity responsible for this relay has a website at https://example.com
> - the proof file to verify the url can be fetched from https://example.com/.well-known/tor-relay/rsa-fingerprint.txt
> - this tor instance can provide a bandwidth up to 100 Mbit/s
> - this string implements version 2 of this specification
> The spec has many fields to choose from but I'd like to highlight these 3 fields,
> also used in the example above, as some of the most relevant:
> - email
> - url
> - proof
> The proof field allows operators to make their URL value verifyable (protected against spoofing)
> by placing their relay fingerprints in a text file located on their website.
> If no website is available DNS TXT records can be used instead.
> Now that version 2 is out, we will work on parsing to provide operators
> with an easy way to check their strings (and maybe also their proofs) interactively.
> I intend to use the data as input for OrNetStats as operators start to set their ContactInfo strings.
> I have operator-level graphs in mind,
> showing the operator how his set of relays evolved over time.
> See
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nusenu/tor-network-observations/master/png/operator-example-graph-2020-10-17.png
> for an example. The timespan will likely be significantly smaller than the one used in this example.
> The release of version 2 marks the deprecation of version 1.
> I aim to support version 2 for at least 2 years and aim to make future releases
> backward compatible.
> I've no plans to significantly change or extend the amount of fields,
> with the exception of one potentially interesting use-case (see the bottom of this email).
> Many changes that went into version 2 are directly related to your comments
> after publishing version 1, thanks for that!
> We also got feedback for the generator and are tracking them here:
> https://github.com/erans/torcontactinfogenerator/issues
> Changelog
> ----------
> Most notable changes since version 1:
> - 'operatorurl' got renamed to just "url"
> - "verifyurl" field simplified/replaced with "proof" (no longer requires a webserver)
> - email field is no longer mandatory
> - UTF-8 support
> - xmr (monero) field added
> - bitcoin field renamed to btc
> - zcash field renamed to zec
> - PGP keys should be on keys.openpgp.org (verifying keyserver)
> - removed fields: KIST, ricochet
> Future Idea
> Since some had concerns about spam:
> It would be trivial to add support for an encrypted email address when the operator has
> a webserver and a verified url field.
> If there is some demand for this and the Tor Project is willing
> to publish a GPG key that can be used for encryption I'll add support for it.
> That would mean only the persons at the torproject having access to that key could fetch
> the encrypted address and decrypt it with their private key, others would only
> see "encemail:y" or similar.
> kind regards,
> nusenu
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