[tor-relays] Relay operators meetup @ rC3: today 22:00 UTC+1
Jens Kubieziel
maillist at kubieziel.de
Thu Dec 31 01:40:34 UTC 2020
Am Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 12:30:59PM +0100 schrieb kantorkel:
> the meetup will take place today, 2020-12-29, at 10pm UTC+1.
We took some notes at the meetup. Please find them below:
# Tor Relay Operators Meetup at rC3
Possible Topics:
* Monthly Jitsi/BBB/whatever meeting with relay ops?
* People mail Roger with questions
* A monthly meetup can maybe help that Roger isn't the bottleneck
* Leibi wants to organize it (collect mail addresses, send mails, etc.)
* Transparency for relay operators?
* Expectations for Tor relay ops, see https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/team/-/issues/12
* Transparency of relay operators towards the Tor Project, vs transparency toward *users*. How helpful is it for users?
* social andor PGP-way web of trust? social first. pgp-way: keep advogato in mind
* make it a hard requirement for exits and relays with consensus weight > x
* if we have such a requirement, there is way more incentive to have a group of relay operators with regular meetings in place [you would need to join to increase the probability for your exit to be used after a threshold]
* Roger thinks about changing the path selection algorithm in tor to split the pool of exit relays into known and unknown, with a ratio, capping usage of all unknown to eg. 30%.
* step 0 is to annotate all known relays
* Here's the ticket for the annotating part: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/metrics/relay-search/-/issues/40001
* bad relays
* the future of torservers.net and friends?
* Need a person who keeps the social things alive: tending the community, traveling to teach people things
* Funding for exit relay organizations is always an ongoing issue
* We talked long ago about a physical Tor relay operator meetup? Originally we talked of having OTF or somebody fund it, but maybe we should start smaller.
* Quite a few journalists are trying to contact torservers.net to learn about what Tor is, and that doesn't scale with the current volunteers.
* Nos Oignons is excited to answer journalists about Tor and privacy, but nobody knows to ask them. So when we're doing the mapping of "if you're in France and want to join the relay community, talk to these people" we can do it for a global press mapping too, and that would help the comms@ team for load and also get subject matter experts around the world.
* next meeting
* What about asking "big corporations" to run a relay? IIRC Mozilla did it once. Maybe also other orgs.
* Brave does. It's hard to keep the momentum at large companies, because their budget keeps changing.
If you have any question regarding the notes, please answer to this
Jens Kubieziel https://kubieziel.de/blog/
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