[tor-relays] MyFamily and ContactInfo fields are required for operators running multiple tor instances

nusenu nusenu-lists at riseup.net
Thu Jan 11 18:07:00 UTC 2018


I'd like to highlight that today the following 
two sentences requiring ContactInfo and MyFamily for operators running multiple relays
got added to the tor manual page [1]:

>     ContactInfo **must** be set to a working address if you run more than one
>     relay or bridge.  (Really, everybody running a relay or bridge should set
>     it.)
>     MyFamily **must** be set correctly if you run more than one relay or
>     bridge. (That is, every relay should list all the others as described
>     above.)

The main motivation for this change have been suspicious tor relays that bad-relays@ ML
decided to remove but had no way direct way to contact and so was forced
to make hard decisions.

With these clear statements bad-relays@ ML group can handle problematic cases 


[1] https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/tree/doc/tor.1.txt#n1717

twitter: @nusenu_

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