[tor-relays] new requirements for Tor Exit relays in effect as of 2018-01-20
nusenu-lists at riseup.net
Sun Feb 11 00:34:00 UTC 2018
Dear Tor Exit Operator,
I'm sending you this email to inform you that
on 2018-01-20 the requirements for exit operators changed.
Since that date your exit policy MUST allow exiting to port 80 _and_ 443
to be eligible for the exit flag.
If your exit policy does not meet these new requirements,
you lost your exit flag on 2018-01-20 (if you used to have it before that date).
Find below a list of 34 exit relays that are affected by these requirement changes
(consensus data as of 2018-01-19 13:00):
contactInfo: 022F 0FF2 CB04 2342 7178 334F BA3F 9725 266C DD10 (OstwaldRipening)
contactInfo: 0x49FAB046 Chris Jeane <chris jeane AT gmail dot com> (SpikeNJ)
contactInfo: 0xB4F409D25BC71927 18NkcxXvFQKo2qyTqa6sQNt6bNEgXAvF9U (anoncat1)
contactInfo: 0xd3956a77 Your pure Manifestation of Peace (newton)
contactInfo: 0xFDB8716D Gerald Turner <gturner at unzane.com> - 1FRMLK42AvHNwn2NV3ASrxdMDYd12C1qbs (Unzane)
contactInfo: 1024R/0FCE8549 Alexander Oelzant <alexander at oelzant.priv.at> (SCggHJTyWbtzDA9YZi)
contactInfo: 145tXZyQEfdmpYhmbFtYe84kjghB5ymPA4 (NormalCitizen)
contactInfo: 145tXZyQEfdmpYhmbFtYe84kjghB5ymPA4 (OrdinaryCitizen)
contactInfo: 145tXZyQEfdmpYhmbFtYe84kjghB5ymPA4 (RegularCitizen)
contactInfo: <admin AT openbsd DOT se> (che)
contactInfo: Eran Sandler <eran at sandler.co.il> (tor4thepeople2)
contactInfo: flo at gmx.it (DannenTor)
contactInfo: Magnus <magnus at 1337.cf> (Pandora)
contactInfo: nobody AT example dot com (blent)
contactInfo: Piotr <unknown at yahoo.com> (icubdw2o2xipsdc)
contactInfo: replace k with c : kontakt @ zwiebeltoralf . de (zwiebeltoralf)
contactInfo: replace k with c : kontakt @ zwiebeltoralf . de (zwiebeltoralf2)
contactInfo: Systems Manager <service at ns.sol.net> (soltor0)
contactInfo: Thor Exit <thor.exit AT yandex dot com> (ThorExit)
contactInfo: torinternetzforall at aol.com (jUsTwAnTaFREEsHiRt)
contactInfo: tor-mngr AT scalaire DOT fr (servicePublic2)
contactInfo: Tsen <tsenchi.ng AT yandex dot com> (mycontribution)
contactInfo: TvdW <tor AT tvdw DOT eu> - bitcoin 1NKKoCQwKs67eKBGedMD8wYoAs3Z4mMAex (EmpokNor)
contactInfo: TvdW <tor AT tvdw DOT eu> - bitcoin 1NKKoCQwKs67eKBGedMD8wYoAs3Z4mMAex (TerokNor)
contactInfo: VolkerWilcken at web dot de (EXITNODESAVE)
contactInfo: yv3r3nd5yi1k at mail.ru (relay651054)
contactInfo: <zwiebeln at online de> please donate BTC 1K38x9xqK3YDzjehYFAEPzsESEC4ScH5wJ (alsaceonion)
contactInfo: <zwiebeln at online de> please donate BTC 1K38x9xqK3YDzjehYFAEPzsESEC4ScH5wJ (alsaceonionb)
contactInfo: <zwiebeln at online de> please donate BTC 1K38x9xqK3YDzjehYFAEPzsESEC4ScH5wJ (mandela)
contactInfo: <zwiebeln at online de> please donate BTC 1K38x9xqK3YDzjehYFAEPzsESEC4ScH5wJ (mandelab)
contactInfo: <zwiebeln at online de> please donate BTC 1K38x9xqK3YDzjehYFAEPzsESEC4ScH5wJ (montrealonion)
contactInfo: <zwiebeln at online de> please donate BTC 1K38x9xqK3YDzjehYFAEPzsESEC4ScH5wJ (montrealonionb)
contactInfo: <zwiebeln at online de> please donate BTC 1K38x9xqK3YDzjehYFAEPzsESEC4ScH5wJ (quebeconion)
contactInfo: <zwiebeln at online de> please donate BTC 1K38x9xqK3YDzjehYFAEPzsESEC4ScH5wJ (quebeconionb)
@niftybunny: I you are motivated, you can send them an email directly by extracting valid email data from this list.
zwiebeln at online de, zwiebeltoralf and TvdW are aware, I don't know about the rest,
and I obviously omitted those for which we do not have any contactInfo.
The actual learning here are:
Missing proper per-notifications for exit operators.
This topic (new req: 80+443) has been discussed before [1] but has not been properly announced,
this could have been a TPO tweet or a blog post or an email to this list with proper subject and not hidden in a long thread.
I should auto-detect such events (multiple relays loosing flags at the same time) without knowing about them.
twitter: @nusenu_
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