[tor-relays] Cloudflare Onions Beta and Network Stability

nusenu nusenu-lists at riseup.net
Mon Aug 20 22:51:00 UTC 2018

Nathaniel Suchy:
> As some of you may have heard, Cloudflare is beta testing opportunistic
> onions. This of course is going to create more Tor traffic. Cloudflare has
> several concerns about running their own relays and says they won’t at this
> time. That said if every Cloudflare website becomes an Onion Service
> overnight how would that affect network stability and what can we as relay
> operators do to prepare for it?


(unfortunately we never saw the slides if anyone did, please share)

They use alt-svc but Tor Browser does not support that currently.

I assume opportunistic onions only work for anything that is already on tor.

If I understood Nick correctly they also use single onion services, so that means that
their traffic portion is not increasing, just shifting away from exits 
to non-exits (good).


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