[tor-relays] Testing Golang relay implementation

Karsten Loesing karsten at torproject.org
Thu Oct 26 07:07:04 UTC 2017

On 2017-10-26 00:09, teor wrote:
> On 26 Oct 2017, at 06:58, Michael McLoughlin <mmcloughlin at gmail.com
> <mailto:mmcloughlin at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I can easily change the descriptor if necessary?
> As long as it conforms to the spec, it's fine.

Agreed. FWIW, the descriptor published by this relay confused Metrics
quite a bit. But that's okay, we'll just make Metrics more robust. The
good news is that we didn't lose any data in the process.

> We should really fuzz descriptor parsers better.
> But that's not an appropriate thing to do on the live network, and some
> parser code only runs on descriptors on the live network.

If somebody wants to generate a bunch of fuzzed descriptors that conform
to the spec, I'll happily throw them into a local Metrics instance to
see if anything else breaks. I could imagine that Damian would do the
same with stem and Philipp with zoossh.

All the best,

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