[tor-relays] About relay size
Scott Bennett
bennett at sdf.org
Tue Oct 3 14:14:21 UTC 2017
teor <teor2345 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> A related question is can a relay with only an IPv4 address
> >>>> published currently set an IPv6 OutboundBindAddress?
> >>>
> >>> Yes. This is useful for IPv6 exits without a fixed IPv6 ORPort address.
> >>>
> >> That's okay, but what if the node is an entry-and-middle node only?
> >>
> > Hmm. On second thought, it's *not* okay because it means that such a
> > node cannot be a middle node because it could only connect to the IPv6
> > universe. Or the man page is wrong about OutboundBindAddress. Or there
> > is something else amiss.
> "This option may be used twice, once with an IPv4 address and once with
> an IPv6 address"
I see the problem. I'm running at present,
has been installed since I last started tor, and the timestamp on the man
page says "Oct 2 2012". :-( Now I have to track down why the man page
updates have not been getting installed. Sigh. Sorry for that bit of noise.
The other questions remain, however, including the one above.
Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet: bennett at sdf.org *xor* bennett at freeshell.org *
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