[tor-relays] AWS abuse handling

Louie Cardone-Noott lcn at fastmail.net
Thu Jul 28 07:09:12 UTC 2016

Am I right in thinking that even 2 TByte/month is fairly low? That's
only 6 Mbit/s average (whether that's 6/6 or 3/3 depends on their
accounting I suppose).

On Wed, 27 Jul 2016, at 08:25 PM, Roman Mamedov wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jul 2016 21:07:39 +0200
> Markus Koch <niftybunny at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Okay, I knew I am not a normal person with over a petabyte a months across all my servers but seriously what service can you run on a vps with 15 gigz a month? 
> Well for example you could run some IRC or IM related service, or
> something
> else where you don't transfer a lot of stuff from/to the VPS in general.
> However my chief concern with the AWS would be that they don't turn off
> your
> VPS as soon as you exceed the 15GB, they start *charging* you for the
> bandwidth
> overage, at pretty exorbitant rates, and then bill directly from your
> credit
> card (which they require that you leave with them when signing up for
> this).
> Also I believe there are some limits on the amount of disk access, with
> the
> same billing policy. Basically the "free" AWS is a minefield, one mistake
> and
> you can find yourself paying ridiculous amounts for it.
> As for being "on a tight budget", you cannot afford one euro a month[1],
> two
> euros a month[2], 15 USD per year[3], really? Not to mention getting
> 500GB to
> 2 TB bandwidth on those, not 15GB.
> The free AWS is the most widespread mistake in choosing "your first VPS"
> for
> just about any purpose (and as mentioned can be a dangerous one);
> probably
> because people are generally unaware how cheap the actual proper VPSes
> can be.
> [1] https://www.arubacloud.com/
> [2] https://www.ultravps.eu/en/plans/
> [3] http://ramnode.com/vps.php
> -- 
> With respect,
> Roman
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