[tor-relays] Ideas for the further development of TorServers

Jens Kubieziel maillist at kubieziel.de
Mon Mar 23 10:26:05 UTC 2015


during our relay operators meeting in Valencia as well as in IRC/XMPP we
were discussing the future way of TorServers. Some of you had some good
ideas and I started to put them into a list.

TorServers will try to apply for funding this year as our current
funding will expire or has expired. So we plan to integrate some or all
of the ideas into our application and help you as relay operators.

The current version of the list is at
<URL:https://pad.systemli.org/p/ukMTrpwf6Yzv>. I'll add some more text
in the next days. Feel free to add some comments, ideas, wishes etc.

Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de
Ich würde gern leben wie ein armer Mann mit einem Haufen Geld.
Pablo Picasso
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