[tor-relays] Very unbalanced in/out connection ratio

mattia sowdust at autistici.org
Tue Jul 28 07:17:07 UTC 2015

(and this is offtopic, but as soon as I sent my message to the ML I
received a spam one from a certain Amy Happy<amymetup at ensatxt.com>
asking me for pics.)

28 Jul 15 09.04, mattia:

> Hello,
> I've been running a middle relay [1] for months and I have always
> noticed an unbalance between incoming and outgoing connections
> (monitored through arm).
> The incoming connections were always in between 0-10% more than the
> outgoing ones.
> This morning though the unbalance has reached so far unseen levels:
> arm reports more than 2500 incoming connections while outgoing are
> little more than 200.
> Is this normal and, if so, why?
> Thank you,
> Mattia
> [1]
> https://globe.torproject.org/#/relay/0D14A4498E7D1854696CC07548653EA4CD3CB2DA

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