[tor-relays] [WARN] Your system clock just jumped 100 seconds forward; assuming established circuits no longer work.

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Wed Feb 19 08:25:38 UTC 2014

On 2/19/14, Zenaan Harkness <zen at freedbms.net> wrote:
> On 2/19/14, Alexander Makarov <ice.turbulent at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Could you show the log?
> Current and previous tor logs attached. What is also interesting is IP
> address seems to change rather frequently from the ISP (iiNet in this
> case - a home ADSL2 connection, but off-net, so it's a resell of
> Telstra).

Telstra could be running carrier grade NAT or something perhaps? Looks
like IP address changes may be coming faster until there's a 99%
conversion to IPv6.

> I also note an early morning torrc file read (log.1) - there are no
> changes in the torrc file since the 17th, so except that I run service
> tor reload, I do not expect tor to re-read the torrc file; is this
> normal?:
> Feb 19 07:35:19.000 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".

Guess I need to get into coding again - or at least code review...
this doesn't make sense to me though - the log message should say a
bit more than it does (eg "confirmed no change" or "changes to BLAH
and BLAG"... the message as it reads is enigmatic to the point of

>> Can you rebuild you kernel with debug option and
>> check what kernel events have the same timestamps
> I could install a debug kernel - Debian makes them available. How
> would I "check kernel events" - just check the logs?
> Happy to investigate... might need some hand holding on the process.

Installed Debian's ...-dbg kernel package. Apparently it's just
symbols - no new kernel. I've asked on debian-user for assistance in
the recommendation to check kernel events.


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