[tor-relays] Complaint about spam originating from my server

k e bera keb at cyblings.on.ca
Fri Dec 14 00:08:29 UTC 2012

On Fri, 14 Dec 2012 00:12:51 +0100
Moritz Bartl <moritz at torservers.net> wrote:

> Hi Brock,
> On 13.12.2012 16:28, Brock Tice wrote:
> > Is there something I am missing?
> Look closely at the first "Received" header:
> >
> received:_from_[]_by_web184904.mail.gq1.yahoo.com_via_HTTP;_Tue,_11_Dec_2012_03:54:56_PST
> This means the spam was sent via Yahoo, and got delivered there from
> your exit via HTTP (Webmail).
> > Is there anything else I should do to
> > prevent this in the future? 
> There's not much you can do about this, unless you want to
> systematically block all webmail services. :-(

Another option is to be more assertive.
From Yahoo's point of view, traffic from your Tor exit node is no different than traffic from "anonymous" strangers in, say, an internet café.  Does Yahoo really want to block tourists and business people on the go from using its webmail at random locations?  Tell the complainant that it makes no sense to take action against you.  The proper method of stopping spam from webmail accounts is to immediately freeze the offending account until its holder comes forward.

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