[tor-relays] Middleman/guard nodes raided in the Netherlands

Nils Vogels bacardicoke at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 14:44:45 UTC 2011

Hey David,

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 15:31, David <davidlusthof at goatse.be> wrote:
> Op 10-11-11 15:20, Nils Vogels schreef:
>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 14:44, Orionjur Tor-admin
>> <tor-admin at orionjurinform.com> wrote:
>>> On 10.11.2011 11:48, David wrote:
>>>> I just wanted to let everyone know that my two Tor nodes have been
>>>> raided (+all my computer equipment and everything that could store data).
>>> Interesting. They already raids on middleman/guard nodes, not only exits?
>>> What can be reasons of such raids?
>> Possibly non tor-related? As far as I read the post, it isn't clear
>> right now why the raid had taken place, and I know (unfortunately)
>> from personal experience as a raided exit-operator in NL it can take a
>> while before this is clear why exactly the raid happened. Took me a
>> few weeks to get clarity, also because the police will not tell you
>> much until they have analysed the evidence.
>> Anyhow, David, good luck, it's not easy having to explain your
>> neighbors why the police raided your house.
> They where specifically talking about 'The Tor servers'. And I got
> raided by the 'Zeden' (not sure what the right translation is)
> department of the police, so it's probably about CP.

Yeah, I was raided by Vice (which is the right translation ;) ) as well.

> Can't help but think it has something to do with all the attention Tor
> has been getting by the police. Especially hidden services (which I did
> not run).

I can't tell you what the reason was offcourse, for me it was because
of exiting traffic related to case somewhere else in Europe.

> How much time did they take to go through all your stuff? It has been 4
> weeks since it happened here.

Preliminary results were in after 3 months, and I had some things
returned to me, it took them two years to realise I was indeed running
a tor exit node, and my case got dismissed returning all my stuff.

The department of digital forensics (who does the analysis of the
computers) is immensely backlogged. I chose not to push them other
than keeping in touch with the DA (OvJ) and the local police officers.
Maybe if you put a lawyer on it, you get speedier results, YMMV.

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Work like you don't need the money,
Love like your heart has never been broken and
Dance like no one can see you.

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