[tor-relays] Network Scan through Tor Exit Node (Port 80)

Scott Bennett bennett at cs.niu.edu
Tue Mar 29 09:10:21 UTC 2011

     On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 10:27:50 -0800 Chris Palmer <chris at eff.org> wrote:
>On 03/10/2011 09:10 AM, mick wrote:
>> Using Tor to scan the internet is a good way to see how the internet
>> looks from different perspectives at once, which can be quite valuable."
>> Which says to me that you are using Tor to do this research.
>No, it says to you that using Tor to scan the internet is a good way to
>see how the internet looks from different perspectives at once, which
>can be quite valuable.
>> So which is it? 
>The Observatory work was not done through Tor.

>However, using Tor to scan the internet is a good way to see how the
>internet looks from different perspectives at once, which can be quite
>valuable, so I vociferously defend the idea of doing so.
     Ah.  "The ends justify the means."  How enlightened. :-(

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at cs.niu.edu                              *
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