[tor-relays] multiple tor nodes on one router? was first using bridge then become bridge

cmeclax-sazri cmeclax-sazri at ixazon.dynip.com
Fri Mar 25 04:20:07 UTC 2011

On Thursday 24 March 2011 11:51:40 Lorenz Kirchner wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> so I received no hint as to how or whether to pursue this thought... i
> shall find other sources of information I just started reading the manual,
> would you believe it..
> I have a new question now, I currently have set up number of tor relays on
> my router which are loadbalanced using squid... in the hope to increase
> throughput and perhaps achieve increased anonymity by sending requests for
> one site through different tor routes...
> Is that advisable or even effective? My feeling is that the connection is
> somewhat more reliable than with just one tor relay.. and following on with
> this could one of these relays be set up to connect to tor via a bridge and
> then pass directory info on to the other relays running on the same
> machine?

The main reason you'd want to run more than one Tor relay on a computer is 
that it has more processing power than one relay can use (a multiple-core CPU 
and lots of bandwidth). Also you could be running two clients, if you ran a 
browser bundle and Torchat each of which ran its own Tor instance. If I 
understand you right, you have several relays running on one computer, using 
different proxy ports and different relay ports, and you're using Squid to 
load balance the proxy ports. If you have more bandwidth than the slowest 
link in your chain, that might make sense, but I haven't thought about it.


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