[tor-relays] Setting up a "hidden" exit node

Joel Hobson hobs2820 at mylaurier.ca
Mon Aug 8 22:12:01 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I'm an undergraduate student working as a research assistant for the 
summer. My current task is to figure out a way to measure delay caused 
by individual nodes (we want to replicate this paper: 
<http://cis.poly.edu/%7Eross/papers/Tor.pdf>). It seems to me that the 
easiest way of accomplishing this would be to run an exit node and 
construct a two-hop circuit to it.

OP ------> Node to be measured -------> Exit node

Since the OP and exit node are under my control, I could measure the 
time it takes for any packets to reach the exit node from the OP. I want 
to be the only one who can use this exit node so I don't have to worry 
about getting approval from the school to run an exit node (could be 
time-consuming).  I realize this is pretty far from any design goals the 
developers have, but is there some way of running a hidden exit node? 
One that doesn't appear on any directory server (PublishServerDescriptor 
0 might work)****, but can still be used if you know its IP address? The 
Tor Control Protocol makes it easy enough to create a custom circuit 
(discussed here: http://thesprawl.org/memdump/?entry=8), but it won't 
accept IP addresses for nodes. I can put an IP in exitnodes in the torrc 
file, but exitnodes doesn't seem to have any effect, even when 
StrictExitNodes is set.



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