dmca takedown, was: Recommended VPS ISPs?

Moritz Bartl tor at
Mon Aug 9 22:52:34 UTC 2010


Am 09.08.2010 23:08, schrieb Justin Bull:
> It actually originated from Warner Bros for Inception and Clash of The
> Titans torrents.

Haha, that seems to be one of the most popular files being allegedly 
shared through Tor. I have received about 5 complaints about that movie 
alone within a few days weeks ago (and dozens of others), until the data 
center (Softlayer) forced me to limit exit policy to well-known ports.

 > or just putting the exit nodes on pi / directassignment ip ranges...

How, where, who? Let me know if you can find someone who sells me PI 
address space in the sparse IPv4 world (and then fund me to be able to 
pay for it ;-).

 From what I understand subdelegating (SWIP/RWHOIS) IP ranges doesn't 
help against MediaSentry/BayTSP (but helps in other cases), because they 
use the 'upstream' contact information.

Why don't you all suggest the most obvious solution? Get a list started 
on the Wiki about countries in which these companies are not (yet) 
active. This includes all European countries, and AFAIK especially 
Holland, Sweden and Norway are a good bet, because they don't allow this 
hunt on private filesharers.

Moritz Bartl

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