URGENT: patch needed ASAP for authority bug

Olaf Selke olaf.selke at blutmagie.de
Thu Apr 15 21:11:13 UTC 2010

Roger Dingledine schrieb:
> This behavior is actually a feature. We cut the latency of the Tor
> network in half by rebalancing the network to send more traffic to the
> relays that could handle it.

I'm not sure if I like the idea control is removed from individual relay
operators to a group of people running the central authorities.

And from a technical point of view it's not a smart idea to send more
traffic to my relay as I announce with MaxAdvertisedBandwidth. Besides
available network bandwidth there are other parameters like cpu load,
free memory, and number of available file descriptors not being included
in the data uploaded to the directories, forcing a relay operator to
reduce the number of circuits.

regards Olaf

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