[tor-qa] Please test bundles with slightly rearchitected meek-http-helper
Ximin Luo
infinity0 at pwned.gg
Sat Mar 14 09:04:58 UTC 2015
On 14/03/15 03:02, Mark Smith wrote:
> On 3/13/15 8:48 PM, Ximin Luo wrote:
>> Ah, I thought realpath was a standard thing. Does "readlink -f" work instead?
> No, the Mac OS / BSD readlink seems to be quite different than the Linux one. See:
> https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/readlink.1.html
> Also, some possibly useful ideas can be found here:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1055671/how-can-i-get-the-behavior-of-gnus-readlink-f-on-a-mac
Ah ok, instead of "$(realpath "../Data/Browser/profile.meek-http-helper")"
could you please try "$(dirname "$(pwd -P)")/Data/Browser/profile.meek-http-helper"
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