[tor-project] Anti-censorship team meeting notes, 2023-02-09

meskio meskio at torproject.org
Thu Feb 9 17:01:38 UTC 2023

Hey everyone!

Here are our meeting logs:

And our meeting pad:


Next meeting: Thursday, February 16 16:00 UTC

Weekly meetings, every Thursday at 16:00 UTC, in #tor-meeting at OFTC
(channel is logged while meetings are in progress)

== Goal of this meeting ==

Weekly check-in about the status of anti-censorship work at Tor.
Coordinate collaboration between people/teams on anti-censorship at the Tor Project and Tor community.

== Links to Useful documents ==

	* Our anti-censorship roadmap:
		* Roadmap: https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/anti-censorship/-/boards
	* The anti-censorship team's wiki page:
		* https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/team/-/wikis/home
	* Past meeting notes can be found at:
		* https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-project/
	* Tickets that need reviews:  from sponsors, we are working on:
		* All needs review tickets:
			* https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/anti-censorship/-/merge_requests?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&assignee_id=None
		* Sponsor 28
			* must-do tickets: https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/-/milestones/10
			* possible-do tickets: https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/-/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name%5b%5d=Sponsor%2028&milestone_title=None
		* Sponsor 96
			* https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/-/milestones/24
		* Sponsor 139 <-- hackerncoder, irl, joydeep, meskio, emmapeel working on it
			* https://pad.riseup.net/p/sponsor139-meeting-pad

== Announcements ==

	* FOCI workshop is next week (and it's free!): https://foci.community/
		* You do need to register ahead of time to get the gather.town invite link

== Discussion ==
	* Conjure is in nightly versions of Tor Browser now, an update on how it's going and the roll out plan
		* cohosh has done the work to integrate cojure into tor
		* client-side library: https://github.com/refraction-networking/gotapdance
		* station: https://github.com/refraction-networking/conjure/
		* the current conjure setup is having some reliability issues, maybe turbotunnel will help here

	* snowstorm
		* https://www.forbes.com/sites/johanmoreno/2023/02/08/as-the-internet-freedom-project-expands-snowflake-becomes-snowstorm/?sh=148126cc1c33
		* https://snowstorm.net/

	* Raw probe log (with packet capture) from logcollector is available for download
		* You need a password to access it
		* The link is the 7th field in
		* https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/connectivity-measurement/bridgestatus/-/blob/main/recentResult_iran

== Actions ==

	* We should make a ticket for pion to cache its stun answers when possible, because right now it surprises us by asking way more stun questions than it actually needs to.
	* We might want to be able to spin up our own stun servers, on our own ip/port, for debugging. We should talk to TPA about that goal at some point (not urgent).
	* Roger will look more at https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40578 ("only contact the first few working bridges on your bridge list") and plan to have a sense of whether it will be an easy hack or a hard one, for next week.

== Interesting links ==


== Reading group ==

	* We will discuss "" on
		* Questions to ask and goals to have:
			* What aspects of the paper are questionable?
			* Are there immediate actions we can take based on this work?
			* Are there long-term actions we can take based on this work?
			* Is there future work that we want to call out in hopes that others will pick it up?

== Updates ==

    This week:
        - What you worked on this week.
    Next week:
        - What you are planning to work on next week.
    Help with:
	     - Something you need help with.

cecylia (cohosh): last updated 2023-02-09
Last week:
    - FOCI workshop prep
    - wrote more conjure documentation
    - Lox tor browser integration work in progress
        - https://gitlab.torproject.org/cohosh/tor-browser/-/tree/lox-integration
This week:
    - Lox tor browser integration
    - continue work on conjure client-side recovery
    - FOCI workshop!
Needs help with:

dcf: 2023-02-09
	Last week:
		- tried Conjure PT in Tor Browser nightly https://github.com/net4people/bbs/issues/124#issuecomment-1414281358
		- fixed a bug in the snowflake bridge installation guide https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/team/-/wikis/Survival-Guides/Snowflake-Bridge-Installation-Guide/diff?version_id=d7f09a50a0aafd80cb4e74ebfc598dffddd5c445
		- documented another short-term block of cdn.sstatic.net in Iran https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/team/-/issues/115#note_2876012
	Next week:
		- migrate goptlib to gitlab https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/team/-/issues/86#note_2823122 (for real)
	Help with:

meskio: 2023-02-09
   Last week:
       - deploy circumvention settings removing stun servers (rdsys-admin!12)
       - add android links to gettor (rdsys#42)
       - review changes on monit config (monit-configuration!5)
       - plan bridge scanner (onbasca) deployment in polyanthum
       - review telegram distributor fixes after a crash (rdsys!73)
   Next week:
       - integrate onbasca into rdsys to test bridge speed (rdsys#150)

Shelikhoo: 2023-02-09
   Last Week:
		- [Merge Request Awaiting] Add SOCKS5 forward proxy support to snowflake (snowflake!64)
		- [Discussion & Deployment] Rollout of Distributed Snowflake Support
		- [Coding & Deployment] Proposal: Centralized Probe Result Collector (anti-censorship/team#54)
		- [Research] HTTPT Planning https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/pluggable-transports/httpt/-/issues/1
		- Have a download link for raw vantage point packet capture files(https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/41061, https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/connectivity-measurement/probeobserver/-/merge_requests/3, https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/connectivity-measurement/logcollector/-/merge_requests/4, https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/connectivity-measurement/logcollector-admin/-/merge_requests/3)
   Next Week:
		- [Research] WebTunnel planning (Continue)
		- Try to find a place to host another vantage point
		onyinyang: 2023-02-09
    Last week:
        - Lox wasm bindings for Tor integration
    This week:
        - continuing with bindings for the rest of the Lox protocols
    Help with:
	     - questions about best way to handle timing for freshness credentials (fresh for x time period or fresh until x time each day)
Itchy Onion: 2023-02-02
    Last week:
		- Lunar New Year break
		- Continue working on issue #40108 (standalone proxy bind specific IP)
		- Review MRs
    This week:
		- Continue working on issue #40108 (standalone proxy bind specific IP). The option to bind a specific IP in pion/wetrtc comes with a required additional option to specicfy the type of candidate. I'm investigating what to choose for our usecase.

hackerncoder: 2023-02-02
    last week:
		- Lunar New Year break
    Next week:
        - getting ooni-exporter to work with torsf (snowflake)
        - work on monitoring bridges health
        - work on "bridgetester"?

cece: 2022-12-22
    This week:
        - working on creating a dummy WhatsApp bot
    Next week:
        - My bot is not yet working as expected s? still trying to figure that out
    Help with:
	     - resources

meskio | https://meskio.net/
 My contact info: https://meskio.net/crypto.txt
Nos vamos a Croatan.
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