[tor-project] ((Tor Demo Day)) Next Wednesday, August 25th 2021, 1600 UTC

gus gus at torproject.org
Wed Aug 25 15:33:07 UTC 2021


Just a reminder that Tor Demo Day is happening today, in 30 minutes!

On Fri, Aug 20, 2021 at 04:32:12PM -0300, gus wrote:
> Dear Tor contributors,
> Next Wednesday, August 25th @ 1600 UTC, we will have a Tor Demo Day!
> You're invited!
> This edition will have presentations about Tor & CAPTCHAs, running
> relays at universities, helping Tor users, and exit bridges to
> circumvent blocked pages.
> To ensure a safe, friendly, and pleasant experience during the event, we
> ask all participants to read and follow the Tor Project Code of Conduct:
> https://community.torproject.org/training/code-of-conduct/
> The presentation will be recorded.
> Agenda
> ------
>  * "CAPTCHA Monitor: Check if websites block Tor or return CAPTCHAs using
>    real web browsers!" by Barkin Simsek (woswos) 
>  * "Tor Captcha and Block Monitoring" (GSoC 2021) by Apratim (_ranchak_) 
>  * "Help Tor users" (Outreachy 2021) by Kulsoom
>  * "HebTor: Bypassing Tor Exit Blocking" by Micah Sherr
>  * "Operating Tor Relays at Universities" by kantorkel
> Meeting room
> ------------
> https://tor.meet.coop/gus-viu-5wr-7cb 
> Full description
> ----------------
> * "CAPTCHA Monitor: Check if websites block Tor or return CAPTCHAs using
>   real web browsers!" - Barkin Simsek (woswos)
> The CAPTCHA Monitor project aims to track how often various websites
> block or return CAPTCHAs to Tor clients. The project aims to achieve
> this by fetching webpages via both Tor & other mainstream web browsers
> and comparing the results. The tests are repeated periodically to find
> the patterns over time. Collected metadata, metrics, and results are
> analyzed and displayed on a dashboard to understand how Tor users get
> discriminated against while using browsing the internet.
> * "Tor Captcha and Block Monitoring" - Apratim (_ranchak_)
> The Project focuses on tracking top websites from alexa/moz500 ranking
> and aims to get a detailed knowledge of the websites partially blocking,
> fully blocking or returning Captchas or even websites limiting
> functionalities. The results will be then collected and will be used to
> find the answers to different metric related questions (Example: What
> percentages of websites are blocked by a certain exit node). Further I
> hope that the metrics could be useful for the campaign to unblock Tor
> and even the DBM (DontBlockMe) Project
> * "Help Tor Project support our users" - Kulsoom Zahra
> During her internship with the Tor Project and Outreachy, Kulsoom Zahra
> helped Tor users to bypass censorship, fix their Tor Browsers, updated
> the Tor user documentation and much more. She will share with us her
> experience on helping Tor users.
> * "HebTor: Bypassing Tor Exit Blocking" - Micah Sherr
> Tor exit blocking, in which websites disallow clients arriving from Tor,
> is a growing and potentially existential threat to the anonymity
> network. We introduce two architectures that provide ephemeral exit
> bridges for Tor which are difficult to enumerate and block. Our
> techniques employ a micropayment system that compensates exit bridge
> operators for their services, and a privacy-preserving reputation scheme
> that prevents freeloading. We show that our exit bridge architectures
> effectively thwart server-side blocking of Tor with little performance
> overhead.
> https://seclab.cs.georgetown.edu/hebtor/
> * "Operating Tor Relays at Universities" by kantorkel
> We* report on our experience of operating exit relays at two German
> universities and provide lessons learned.
> (*) https://arxiv.og/abs/2106.04277
> -- 
> The Tor Project
> Community Team Lead

The Tor Project
Community Team Lead
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